The Universe Is Smiling: Dancing in a Complex World :)

Monika's weekly inner voice drawings:

Q: What is today's wisdom?
A: Keep dancing in a complex world :) 


  1. Complexity is one of my favorite words and ideas. from L. complexus and suggests "surrounding, encompassing." How different from “complicated,” which is confused and difficult to unravel. We can’t dance in a complicated world but can in a complex one. In our dance, like this drawing shows, we flow with, not against. Psychologically, complexity is the flow of our emotional life in an attuned, expansive way. It is the complexity that encompasses and thus allows us to integrate the internal and external worlds. When we complicate our lives, due to negative afflictive emotions and deluded thinking, we tend to trip, not dance. We lose the flow, the suchness of the life process. The answer: cultivating self-awareness. This is why I love IVD. With Monika’s wisdom and loving instruction, IVD helps to untangle the complicated and transform it into the complex. In our drawings, order seems to arise out of the excessive perceptual processes we call mind. What I also love about this drawing is that it is like tango, which I once heard described as one body and four legs. This is the relational that we invariably find in every dance, in every thing and nothing.

  2. Complex vs. complicated, two truly different ideas, which makes me think of the contrast between 'simple' and 'simplistic'. In both cases it's over the top: one being too complex for comfort or "unraveling" and the other being too simple by ignoring complexity :)
    The drawing itself: When I ask this rather "simplistic" question about "today's wisdom", I take the answer as an advice or a reminder in the direction that it points to. Even though this answer may be directed to me personally, I always ask in the context of the world at large and I see the answer as a reminder for anyone who is interested. In this case "dancing" "tango" (I like that) suggests that we are too stiff and serious and we need to be more playful/joyful/childlike despite the complexity of life. What do we gain by that? Appreciating all the different "colors" or aspects of life free from judgment. What a great state of mind to aspire to :)

  3. Well, I just simply (simplistically?)in an uncomplicated way...LOVE IT!
