The Universe Is Smiling: "Transmutation"

Happy WATER-SNAKE year!

SNAKE = Transmutation
"...The power of snake medicine is the power of creation, for it embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension (or immortality).
The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snake's skin. It is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poiison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind....
 This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being. Through accepting all aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the fire medicine. This fire energy, when functioning on the material plane, creates passion, desire, procreation, and physical vitality. On the emotional plane, it becomes ambition, creation, resolution, and dreams. On the mental plane it becomes intellect, power, charisma, and leadership. When this snake energy reaches the spiritual plane, it becomes wisdom, understanding, wholeness, and connection to the Great Spirit...."
From "Medicine Cards. The Discovery of Power Through The Ways Of Animals." by Jamie Sams & David Carson.


  1. Dear Moni,
    you knows that I am always afraid of snakes.
    Seeing a snake in TV, I'll have a bad dream.
    But your drawing is so wonderful and the snake
    is looking so friendly that I must love it.

    Thanks to you.
    Love, Mom.

    1. And you being a "snake" yourself, what's not to love? :)
