The Universe Is Smiling: Embracing all creatures

Monika's weekly inner voice drawings:

Q: What is today's wisdom?
 A: "Our task must be to free widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."
- Albert Einstein    
"Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way."
- John Muir


  1. Your inner voice has spoken with incredible eloquence here, Monika. Amazing piece!


  2. Hi Barb, thank you for your enthusiasm. It always amazes me what people see in things and what they like. Paul is seeing a meditation cushion, which cracks me up :) And, of course, now I can see it too.

    I had posted this drawing on the Inner Voice Village - facebook site and got a whole flurry of comments. Meanwhile I had considered throwing the drawing out altogether, because I didn't like it. But I listened to my "inner voice" and let it be.

    Barb, do you experience surprises like that in comments of your clients?

    Why don't you join the Inner Voice Village community on facebook and participate with your own creations? I would love to see you there.
