The Universe Is Smiling: Memories are Dreams at Daytime

Monika's weekly inner voice drawings:

Q: What is today's wisdom?
A: You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'
- George Bernhard Shaw 


  1. Wow, this is a beauty. We are now shifting from drawing to deep artistic expression. This drawing is all about embrace and so I feel an immediate sense of soothing and peace. But, interestingly, when combined with Monika’s quote from Bernard Shaw, something interestingly occurs for me: the embrace is not only of the heart, which is horizontal, but of perspective (I dream things that never were…”), which is vertical. This is mind as an “imaginal cell,” if we may possibly stretch “(intendere”) our friend, Barbara Hubbard’s metaphor of human consciousness. To dream or see what was never there points to transformation, a shifting towards a higher, more inclusive view. This central figure, a kind of mix between Beatrice in Dante’s `Divine Comedy,’ and Joan of Arc, feels as if she’s carrying the dreamer/pilgrim toward the light of awareness. The dreamer has wings and has thus died, either literally or metaphorically (it really doesn’t matter), and so, is waiting in that quiet space of becoming. I love this feminine confidence and caring of Beatrice. What a great compassion! Her hand is on the left side of the dreamer’s head, possibly suggesting that language will serve as the transformative vehicle. O but to dream, o but to dream. The things that were never there; the things that are always there. The love that is always here.

  2. Hope this one will be in the show! Delicious colors.

  3. Thank you, Barbara, it actually will be in the "Mini Works Show" at the Water Street Market, opening Saturday 9/18.
