You might have followed the progress of "Annabella's Inner Life" (see former posts) and are curious to know if she won the competition. Yesterday, July 26, on the Marbletown Founder's Day the jury picked the three winners among the posters. Arabella made the third place :)
It was a perfect weather day with marvelous art from 30 artists, musical performances and a happy crowd of visitors. Here are some visuals for you.
The row of posters were greeting the visitors.
Art impressions at set-up, before the first storm of visitors:
A collection of my art blocks on display. Most of them were sold by the end of the day.
More artwork all around:
The winners of the poster competition are being announced:
FIRST PLACE: painting by Warren Hurley.
This was/is my absolute favorite of the whole series.
SECOND PLACE: painting by Alicia Tamarchenko:

The "permanent" markers had faded in the sunlight. Alicia repaired the damage in the morning of the final day. It was worthwhile, she made it to the second place.

It was a great challenge for me to create something out of nowhere. I loved the whole process. On top of it, making it to the third place in the competition, made my day :)
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